St Mary's Uttoxeter

New Beginnings

27 Jan 2023 • Articles

After the freezing nights and snowy days of winter, crocuses and snowdrops start to appear, welcome reminders of new life emerging from deep within the soil, demonstrating the wonderful workings of God's world even in the depths of winter.

God can stir new life from deep within each soul, too, bringing new certainties of faith, hope and love to bud and blossom. Sometimes it is a development and maturing of a young spirituality which has always reflected God's grace; other times it is a new echo of God's constant call, heard more clearly when life's storms subside. At any time, it is a reason for rejoicing when human hearts open to the heart of God.

Springtime is a good time for seeing where you are in your journey of faith. Baptism makes us members of the Church and confirmation is our adult commitment: together these give Christians the privilege of receiving Holy Communion, the sacrament given by our Lord to bring us the strength and grace of his own life. Every Christian is called to remember the baptismal promises of turning to Christ and being active members of God's family, the Church. It is important to be a real part of the Christian fellowship which continues the fellowship of Jesus with his disciples.

Faith can be rather like a miraculous bank balance in an account which your heavenly Father opened for you before you were born. The Holy Spirit put in a large balance of grace when you were baptised, and faith shows you how to draw out this wonderful currency and how it can be spent. The most wonderful thing is, the grace you are given increases every time you draw upon it, and its value becomes greater. St. Paul wrote to his friends in the city of Corinth, 'Don't let God's grace be wasted.'

May God be with you in every type of weather this winter,
