St Mary's Uttoxeter

Bible Book Club

26 Jan 2023 7:30PM — 8:30PM

The Bible Book Club is a programme designed by the Bible Society which meets regularly to look at a different book of the Bible. The Society has put together a crib sheet for each book that helps to structure the session, which lasts an hour, from 7.30-8.30pm. It is led by Lesley White, who is a member of the Area Worship Team and Area Co-ordinator amongst other things. The sessions are relaxed and you'll get more out of it if you try and read the suggested parts of that book before the evening.

This session will be covering the book of Ruth.

The story of Ruth focuses on the story of three people: Naomi, a widow from Bethlehem in Judah; Ruth, the daughter-in-law who comes from Moab; and Boaz, a land-owning farmer from Bethlehem. This well-known and well-loved story tells of Ruth’s dedication to Noami in following her mother-in-law back to her home and finding ways to take care of her. It ends with her marriage to Boaz and her giving birth to one of King David’s ancestors. There are two levels on which to read this story: the surface level which reveals a story of love and commitment, and the deeper level which reveals a message of what ‘foreigners’ (even hated foreigners like the Moabites) might contribute to God’s story of salvation.

Contact Lesley on and she will send you the link

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