St Mary's Uttoxeter

February Reflections 2019

February Reflections 2019

1 Mar 2019 • Articles

It is impossible to ignore the impact of water in our lives, we can’t live without it that’s a fact!

This woodblock print by the artist Hokusai depicts water in a vibrant and visual form.

Jesus uses the imagery of “living water” to reveal his heart’s desire, that any who are spiritually thirsty might drink and retain the water he offers through the Holy Spirit. To the Samaritan woman at the well, his water would be an endless source of life for her, as it is for us.

For the disciples in the boat, the storm threatens to overcome them and is calmed in an instant by Jesus, Hokusai visually shows us the power of the water as the little boats are thrown around the waves.

As Christians we know this! Yet how many of our friends and colleagues have yet to meet Jesus and experience this “living water?”

Many of us have completed the LICC Course Life on the Frontline, helping us see that wherever we operate we are on a frontline somewhere! At work, at the school gate, at the gym, at the gardening club, if we think about our day to day we mix with hundreds of people in any given year. How many of those people know we go to church, are part of a loving community and have a living faith that sustains us through life? Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples, that is to share his love with others, that they may come to know Him for themselves and have that personal relationship.

We are not depleted in sharing this living water, He promises us enough for ourselves and more that will overflow to others

“If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in me this way, just as the Scripture says” John 7:37

As we approach Lent this year we can pray that God would speak to us each day and fill us with his living water that we may share it with others, that they might enjoy life to the full as the Christian faith teaches us? As we study our Lent courses, meet in small groups or use the time for personal daily reflections we can pray that God would inspire and equip us to reach others with the Good News of Jesus

Every blessing

Mo Trudel
